In this article, we will cover how to build a simple Latest History Dashboard in CoachMePlus and how to add it to a Dashboard Layout
Video Walkthrough:
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Step 1: Navigate to your side menu and select Visualizations, then Select Build Visualization.
Step 2: On the next screen, select "+ Dashboard"
Step 3: For this example, we will use a popular dashboard type. The Latest History Dashboard allows you to display one or multiple data points over a specified period of time, while allowing you to add an optional average line for Team, Group, and/or Position Average. This dashboard can be displayed as a Line, Spline, Area, Column, or Bar graph.
Step 4: Start by naming your dashboard. In this example, I will name my dashboard Vertical Jump Over Time
Step 5: Next, we can add our field(s) to the dashboard by selecting them from the field list, optionally renaming the field display name (Label).
Step 6: Next, you will select how many values to display. There is no limit to how many, but keep in mind that loading times can be impacted if the value is high, and the graph could get crowded.
Step 7: Here, you can select to display a Group (Training Group), Team (Team Folder), or Position (if positions have been assigned) average as a dotted line or opaque bar in your graph. In this example, we will display a Team Average.
Step 8: Next, I will Save my dashboard.
Step 9: To add my dashboard to a layout, I will navigate back to the home screen and this time on my side menu, I will select Dashboard Layouts
Step 10: On my layout list, I will select the layout I wish to add to. Since the Latest History Dashboard is for individual layouts only, I will select an Individual Layout.
Step 11: Once in Layout Editor, I am going to select "+ Dashboard" to add the dashboard I just built to my layout.
Step 12: On this screen, I can scroll to or search for the dashboard I wish to add. I can then click on it to add to my layout.
Step 13: Once added to the layout, the dashboard is default to full width. I can click on the "><" icon to bring my dashboard to half width if I wish to place another dashboard next to it. I can revert back to full width if I wish by clicking on "< >" on the proper pane.
Step 14: Following these steps, your layout may look something like this:
Step 15: Once satisfied, hit the Save icon.
Step 16: Now, you can navigate to an athlete's profile and open their dashboard. The new graph should be on the layout!
** If you would like to use a different type of dashboard, click over to our FAQs on dashboard builders** Dashboard Builders
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