Monotony/Strain History Dashboard
- ATHLETE and GROUP DASHBOARD LAYOUTS - Display weekly load, monotony, and strain from a single load field
- Best used to show the weekly amount of load, monotony and strain while optionally including empty days as rest days for an athlete or group over a user-defined number of weeks.
In this article, we will explore what the Monotony/Strain History Dashboard is and how to build one. Please watch the following video for a full walkthrough:
As demonstrated in the video, the Monotony/Strain Dashboard allows coaches and practitioners to build a weekly monotony/strain and load graph from one load field that is either athlete or coach input in the system. The builder allows you to select the timeframe to display monotony/strain from, and it allows you to include or exclude "empty" days as rest days in the load calculation. The dashboard will display a daily average load for each week, a sum of the weekly load, monotony, and strain over the selected timeframe.
Monotony/Strain History Dashboard Visual
Dashboard Builder - Main Options
- Dashboard Name - This will be the display name on your dashboard when it is added to a layout.
- Field - The load field from the system to be referenced in the calculations
- Label and Unit - Optionally, you can change the display name of the load field and add/remove/change the display unit.
- Number of weeks to show in dashboard - The timeframe for the dashboard display.
- Count empty days as rest days? - A missed day with no load will be factored into monotony/strain as a rest day with zero load if this box is checked.
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