Library Featured Dashboard
- ATHLETE ONLY DASHBOARD LAYOUTS - Display latest library items, related to user and visible by role, optionally having a tag
- Best used to display library items from a certain tag/category for an athlete. For example, the latest athlete uploads of videos requiring coach feedback
In this article, we will explore what the Library Featured Dashboard is and how to build one. Please watch the following video for a full walkthrough:
As demonstrated in the video, the Library Featured Dashboard allows coaches and practitioners to choose from 1 to 10 library items to display on a list in an athlete's dashboard layout that will show assigned library items, optionally with a tag, and allow the items to be opened from the dashboard layout.
Library Featured Dashboard Visual Example
Dashboard Builder - Main Options
- Dashboard Name - This will be the display name on your dashboard when it is added to a layout.
- Latest number of items to display - Here, you can select between 1 and 10 library items to display on the dashboard.
- Tags (Optional) - If there are tagged library items, you may enter one or multiple tags to filter what library items display on the dashboard.
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