The Tests feature in the CoachMePlus system allows you to centralize all data collected to generate an accurate analysis of your team. Storing all data and values into one system allows you to review your athletes and keeps your athlete data organized. Customized tests are created by your CoachMePlus representative.
Every organization has their own methods of measuring and evaluating their athletes. As a result, tests are customizable and can vary by organization. The Tests feature in the CoachMePlus system allows you to centralize all data collected to generate an accurate analysis of your team. Storing all data and values into one system allows you to review your athletes and keeps your athlete data organized. Customized tests are created by your CoachMePlus representative.
Testing Data
Testing Data is different from results from tests. The "Testing Data" refers to the Measurement Field values in the Algorithm Engine such as Vertical Jump etc. But this data cannot be used in the Program Builder. (Test Sets in the Program Builder for setting an estimated 1 Rep Max on a program builder exercise will be discussed later)
To access your tests, go to the home page and click on Data >> Testing >> Training Group >> and Select your Test.
- On the side menu, select Testing.
- You are brought to a new page. Follow these steps to input your testing data.
- Select the Group to be tested
- Select the Test that your are entering data for
- Athletes will be listed along the left side of the screen. You can switch between them to enter data quickly
- You must Save an athlete’s data entry prior to switching to another athlete
- To enter the values of one specific testing field for the group, click on All Fields
- Select the field.
- To enter the same value for all athletes, enter it in the top line. Otherwise, enter the value for the test for all applicable individuals and select Save.
Testing is done by selecting the “Testing” tab inside of CM+. This is where a coach can select the group of measurement fields he wishes to gather data on for their group of athletes. Once data is entered into those fields then the data can be visualized in Assessments and Dashboards and placed on a dashboard layout to be seen by other coaches, individual athletes or team administrators.
Test Sets
Test Sets can be used for setting up estimated 1 rep maxes for Exercises and Shared 1RM Baselines so that coaches can use those values in training programs to auto-calculate load based on percent of 1RM to be lifted on a particular exercise on a particular day.
Test Sets are created inside of Circuits for a particular Exercise when setting up Set Progressions.
1 Rep Max Baseline
We start with how to set up an athlete 1RM baseline both creating the baseline in the system and then adding the testing baseline. Once the exercise baseline is established, you can assign create a one rep max set progression.
A Baseline is done on Shared Baseline Exercises and not Testing measurements. The baseline is the value off of which the exercise will be created for each day. Creating the baseline beforehand will save you time when calculating one rep max for an athlete and give you accurate results for your athletes when adjusting the relative intensity.
How to Create a Baseline:
- On your homepage, click Settings => Training => Baseline.
- You will be brought to a new page. This page shows all of the baselines that were created previously. You have the option to edit and/or delete a baseline.
- A new window will appear for you to title your Baseline. Click Save to save your new baseline.
- Your new baseline will now appear on the Baseline list.
Questionnaires are a good tool to use for gathering qualitative data about athletes and get feedback from them. Coaches can create multiple questionnaires and assign them to an individual athlete or a group of athletes. Add and manage questionnaires by going to Coach Tools => Questionnaire Builder
All questions have a different way of tracking information and there are various methods available for coaches to customize the questionnaire so accurate data can be obtained for the roster.
Create Questionnaire
As soon as the questionnaire is ready, you can add/create questions for your questionnaire. You can add as many or as little questions are you want. You can choose how the athlete responds (i.e. buttons, ranges, text/number input, and/or body charts).
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