Creating and adding athletes into your system allows you to track and monitor their performance, along with, distribute any training materials and communicate with them. Once your athletes have been created, assign them to a training group.
Inviting Users (Coaches & Athletes)
Bulk Upload - Getting All Your Users Loaded
To add a full roster of athletes and coaches at one time, you will send an Excel document to your account representative. Clearly label the columns to include: First Name, Last Name, Email, Role (Athlete or Coach), username, and training group. If there are more fields you would like uploaded, communicate with your representative.
Once you are ready for your users to log in to their account, you need to send out a welcome email. Settings > Security > Users > Select all users > dropdown > send welcome email > Apply
Invite by Email
- Emails must be gathered from athletes.
- Click on "Manage Your Teams"
- Click "+ Athletes" to add a new athlete
- Select "Invite via Email"
- Enter Emails
- Hit the Send icon in top right corner
Invite by Link/ Invitation
- Click on "Manage Your Teams"
- Click "+ Athletes" to add a new athlete
- Select "Invite via Link"
- Click "+ Link"
- Click "Copy Link”
- Share the link with one athlete, or a group of athletes.
After clicking the link, athletes need to create an account:
- Confirm they are not a robot, Click "Continue"
- Enter their email address, First Name, and Last Name, Click "Continue"
- The Athlete should then see a confirmation message that the Registration request was received.
- When you go back to the Invite Links page you should see any Pending User Approvals and click on those.
- Click on "Approve"
- Choose the Training Group you want the new athlete to be a part of
- Select "Approve"
- You should now see "Approved" confirmation and that a Welcome email has been sent to the user.
Edit Accounts
Once your athlete's account is created, you can make adjustments and changes to the account. To edit account information, click on the athlete's name and go to “Account” and select any of the tabs listed on the left that you would like to edit. For a photo, click on Profile Picture, and select the picture you would like to use.
Batch Upload by Excel/CSV
To add information about a full roster of athletes at one time, you will need to upload an Excel document through the Admin Portal. To prepare your document make sure all the columns of information are clearly labeled. If you are uploading benchmarks related to a certain date, make sure the dates are formatted correctly.
Note: You cannot upload new users in bulk through this feature. All users must be already created in your installation.
- Navigate to the Admin Portal.
- On your side menu, click "Settings"
- Click "Import." When the options drop down, choose “Imports”
- To start a new import, click the green "+ New" button in the upper right corner
- Click "UPLOAD FILE" button, then select the .csv file to be imported.
- Note: The file must be in .csv format
- Click the orange "NEXT" button in the bottom right corner
- Click "Import Template" to select your template, and choose “Create New” and name the Import whatever you need.
- Check the box in the top left on the "Name" column, then Click "CONFIRM" at the bottom of the column
- The system will "guess" the most likely field match for each of your columns. If it is correct.
- If the guess is correct, click "CONFIRM" to lock those fields in on your template.
- If the guess is incorrect, select the proper field from the "CM+ Field" dropdown menu before proceeding.
- Once all the fields are confirmed, Click the orange "NEXT" button.
- For each individual testing group, a new "Alias Type" should be created for future use with this data.
- Once you have created or selected the proper Alias Type, click "Continue."
- On the Alias matcher screen, make sure each name in the upload is matched to the proper user. The system will guess the proper match, but be sure to confirm. Once confirmed, click "IMPORT."
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