Find quick answers to common queries in our extensive FAQs section, where we address the most frequently asked questions about the platform, helping you resolve issues promptly.
FAQ - System Administration
FAQ - Athlete Account Administration
FAQ - Workouts
- How-To Add a Circuit to a Program Day in CoachMePlus
- Can I Assign an Athlete Two Programs at the Same Time? Say at Mon/Wed/Fri Strength Program and a Tues/Thur Conditioning Program?
- Can I Add Workouts for Specific Positions? (forwards, defensemen, goalies, prospects, etc.)
- Can I Select Multiple Exercises at Once?
FAQ - General
- How To: Create a basic Leaderboard
- How to: Integrate your CoachMePlus Account with EZ Facility
- How to: Use the New Questionnaire Builder in App View
- How To: Add a Library Item to an Athletes Homescreen Feed
- Creating a Content Plan with the Activity Scheduler
- Using Markdown