- The proper format to use when importing the data
- How to import files using the data import tool
Data File Formatting Tips:
- File – Must be saved as .csv format. If you manually edit the file in a text editor, you should not put any spaces between the data and the comma separators. If you export and Excel file to CSV, it will automatically format it properly.
- Header – The first row must contain the column names, separated by commas. This will allow you to match the data in a column with a CoachMePlus data field name.
- Two Formats - 1) All data is on one day, and 2) data is for multiple days. If you have a file with data for multiple days, you will need a date column (formatted consistently for the entire column) and you will need to identify this date column in the importing process.
Example File: File1.csv (Contains Dates)
Example File: File2.csv (Doesn't contain dates – you will tell the importer what date the data is for when you do the import)
Video Walkthrough:
Step-by-Step Walkthrough:
Step One: On the homepage, click on Data Tools => Import Tool on the menu on the left-hand side.
Step Two: You will be brought to a new page that shows the importing process.
Step Three: To begin the importing process, choose the file you want to import by clicking UPLOAD FILE.
Step Four: Select the files you would like to import to the system. After you have selected the file, click Open.
Step Five: The file you selected will appear on the screen and you can click NEXT to proceed.
Step Six: A new page will appear with the next step. Either select an existing template from the list or create a new one and name it.
Step Seven: When you choose to create a template, you will be brought to a menu where you must match the columns of your file with the fields in CoachMePlus. You must first select your data type. It will bring up sample data under the “ColumnData” section so you can ensure that you have the correct correlation between sources. The system will essentially “guess” what column match up with what, and those boxes will be shaded blue, but you are still able to alter the settings as needed.
Step Eight: Select the check-box of this icon to select which column is going to supply the user aliases for the system. This will line up the names of the athletes in the CoachMePlus system to the names in the file being imported.
Note: You can choose to ignore parts of your data by simply pressing the “ignore” button of each box. This will omit the column that you have chosen, and will not be imported into the system. After you are done with each box, you must hit confirm to move on to the next. This will then shade the box gray so you know you are done with it.
Note: You must select either ignore or confirm for each of the data inputs to be able to select the “next” button and proceed further.
Step Nine: You will then be prompted to assign an alias type. Here is where the system will match the users with the inputs of your data. You have the ability to select previously used device aliases to establish the relationship, or create new ones, as the drop down list indicates.
Step Ten: Here you have the ability to review what is going to be imported into the system. When you are satisfied with how the system is going to import your file, select “Import” to begin the process.
Note: If measured data is omitted from your import file, the system will prompt you to enter in a “measured date” that is necessary for the import.
Step Eleven: After importation, there will be a report as to the condition of the import. If there is any error importing, or missing data points, the system will identify the issue and alert you to the issue.
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