This article will show you:
- How to attach a library item with the "Nutrition" tag so it will appear on an athlete's account under the "Nutrition" tab.
You need this because:
- You want to learn how to assign specific training materials under the Nutrition tab for athletes.
- It will save you time and help avoid confusion when asking athletes to review items specific to nutrition.
How To: Upload Library Item for Nutrition for an Athlete:
Step One: On the home page, click on Athlete Central on the left hand side menu.
Step Two: You will be brought to a new page that will have the training groups and athletes available for you to view. To add a library item, select the player you are interested in adding the item to. Our example will use Charlie Pace. Select the Training Group => Group => Player.
Step Three: After you have reached the player's page (Stallions => Forwards => Cole Weppner), you will now have access to the athlete's dashboard. Click on the Library tab to be brought to a new page for uploading a new library item.
Step Four: The Library tab will display all library items and provides you with the ability to add new items.
- All Library Items - A list of library items that have been uploaded to the player's account.
- +Add New Item - Allows you to add more items into the player's account.
Step Five: To add a new item, click on +Add New Item and you will be brought to a new page for you to upload a new library item.
- File - Area for you to upload a new file.
- Library - Enter all information about the file upload.
- Security - Set permissions of who can view the file that is being uploaded.
Step Six: To upload a file, select the green button labeled +Upload File.
Step Seven: A pop up box will appear for you to select the file you would like to upload.
Step Eight: After you have selected the file that you would like to upload, click on Open.
The file will now appear under the File section.
- File - The file you have selected to upload will now appear in this section.
- Library - Enter all information for the selected file. Enter the name, description, related users, and tag(s).
- Security - Set the permissions for which users and roles will be allowed to view the document. Be sure to enter the the player's name so they can have access to the file.
- Save - Click Save once you have entered all information.
*Note: To upload a library item with the "Nutrition" tag, be sure to enter "Nutrition" into the TAG(s) section.
This can be done for any library item that you would like to be grouped together.
Step Nine: After you have clicked Save, you will be brought back to the player's list of library items. The file that you uploaded should appear on their account. You will see that the note has the Nutrition tag on it.
This is what it will look like from the athlete's view.
Step One: From the athlete's home screen, select Library.
Step Two: You will be brought to the Library menu where you can search for the "Nutrition" tag.
The file that was uploaded now appears on the athlete's "Library" page. The athlete can view the item by clicking on the file. It will download onto their device and they can review it automatically.
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