It is now possible as a Coach to add in Choice and Alternate Sets in the Program Builder. This feature is designed to open up more options for you as a Coach to allow your athletes the ability to switch or make substitutions in their program while still having control over which exercises they choose.
Follow along with our How-To Video
Choice Sets allow you as a coach to choose a list of exercises with the intent of having your athlete choosing one from the list. There is no limit to how many can be included in a choice set, and the athlete will be given clear instructions that they are to choose one of them and complete it.
Alternate Sets allow you as a coach to program one main exercise, but also set a coach-defined list of Alternates that an athlete can choose from if they can not complete the assigned exercise for any reason.
The following is a step-by-step walkthrough on how to build choice and alternate sets, as well as how the athlete can interact with them.
Step 1: Open the Program Library
Step 2: Select Circuit Library
Step 3: Create a New Circuit and add exercises to the circuit
Step 4: Select the top exercise and click on the 3 dots icon
Step 5: Select Add Alternates
Step 6: In this case, we will select Alternate Set - Athlete is shown one exercise, but are also given a button to display a list of alternate coach-approved exercises to choose from in the event that they are unable or unwilling to complete the original exercise
Step 7: Click on the four arrow icon for any exercises to be added as alternates
Step 8: This is what your alternate set will look like, in green brackets.
Step 9: Alternatively, you can add a Choice set instead - Athletes are shown a list of exercises and are given the option to choose one. They can preview the exercise and swap as many times as they'd like until they complete one set of the exercise.
Step 10: Follow same method of clicking on the four arrow icon then the brackets of the choice set to add all exercises. Choice sets are defined by blue brackets.
Athlete View
Athletes are shown Alternate sets with a roadmap icon indicating that they can click on the icon to display their list of alternates and choose the swap.
Choice sets are clearly defined, and once the athlete makes a selection, the other options wil lalso be hidden behind the roadmap, which they can select as many times as they want until they complete one set of the chosen exercise.
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