Algorithm Engine™
Algorithm Engine™ is a backend tool that users can use to build custom tests for their organization. Not every test is the same for every organization, which is why Algorithm Engine™ is a critical tool for creating custom tests for an organization’s unique tests and workouts.
Figure 1: Example of a custom test, Body Comp - Jackson/Pollock - Body Density (7 Site - Male). The blank spaces are for the user to fill out and the calculated information will display immediately once entered.
How Is Algorithm Engine™ Used?
Algorithm Engine™ is a build once, use multiple times tool. Inputting the formulas once into our system ensures that you will never lose your data and errors are less likely to occur.
Users will be able to enter their personal formulas into the CoachMePlus system and calculations will appear automatically. It removes the worry of making mistakes or entering in the wrong location.
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