This article will show you:
- How to add a questionnaire into your CoachMePlus install.
You need this because:
- You want to collect qualitative data from your athletes and obtain feedback from the athletes.
Video Walkthrough:
Create a Questionnaire:
Step 1: On your side menu, select Questionnaire Builder
Step 2: You will be brought to a new page with a list of questionnaires already on the system. Click on the + QUESTIONNAIRE button to create a new questionnaire.
Step 3: A form will appear for you to fill information for your questionnaire. You should start by giving your questionnaire a Name.
**Optional** You can also give your questionnaire a Description. This is text the user will see at the top of their questionnaire and can be instructions or other information on the questionnaire to follow.
Step 4: You can now modify the Schedule of the questionnaire. These options include:
- Active - This will enable or disable the questionnaire. If unchecked, it will hide the questionnaire from being completed without having to unassign it from roles or users.
- Starts At - This is an optional start date for your questionnaire. By default, it will show the date you created the questionnaire. You can edit this date if you want to assign the questionnaire but don't want it available until a certain date.
- Ends At - This is an optional end date that will deactivate the questionnaire at your set date. You can leave this open-ended to have manual control over when the questionnaire is active/inactive.
- Prompts - If this box is unchecked, the questionnaire will not populate the athlete home screen, and they will need to navigate to their questionnaire list to find it.
Step 5: To begin building your questionnaire, click on Add Question.
Step 6: Add a title to your question and an optional description to explain the question
Step 7: Then click on Type to select the type of question. You can choose from buttons, sliders, ranges, body charts, free text input, and number input.
Step 8: Select whether or not you want this to be a required question. If required, the user has to complete this question in order to submit their response.
Step 9: Once satisfied, click on Done to save your question. You can now repeat the process to populate your entire questionnaire.
Step 10: After adding all of your questions, be sure to Save your questionnaire so that you can assign and preview it.
Preview your Questionnaire
To preview your questionnaire and make sure it is built the way you like, follow these steps:
Step 1: Click on the 3 dots in the top right to open your menu
Step 2: Click on Preview to see how your athletes will view the questionnaire.
Assigning the Questionnaire
Step 1: On your builder menu, select Manage Assignments.
Step 2: You can assign the questionnaire to all users in a specific Role by clicking on that line, or individuals/groups of athletes by selecting Add Athletes. You can have a mix of both Roles and Athletes if you'd like.
Step 3: Once you are satisfied with your selection, click on Add to assign the users/roles.
Step 4: You can unassign any of the roles or athletes by clicking on the corresponding X to the right of the list.
Viewing Responses
Step 1: On the builder menu, click on the 3 dots icon.
Step 2: Select View Responses
Step 3: This will bring you to a list of responses with the newest responses on top. You can click on any of the list items to bring up a full view of an athlete's responses.
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